Determination of the semen quality in male partners of infertile couples in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano: A three year review
seminal fluid, male factor, infertility, KanoAbstract
Male infertility contributes a lot to the causes of infertility among couples attending Gynaecology clinics in our environment.
To determine semen quality in male partners of infertile couples attending Gynaecology Clinic in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, and to describe the pattern of abnormality found among the semen samples.
Reports of semen samples submitted to the andrology laboratory of AKTH Kano, over a period of three years, were analysed
A total of 558 semen samples were analysed for semen quality out of 562 samples over the three-year period.
Two hundred and eleven (37.8%) had normal semen quality or parameters, while 347 (62.2%) had abnormal semen quality or parameters. The abnormal semen parameters consisted of low sperm volume (25.8%), prolonged liquefaction time (27.2%), azoospermia (14.2%), oligozoospermia (39.4%), teratozoospermia (23.7%), asthenozoospermia (61.6%) and the combined
defect of Oligo-Asthenozoospermia (12.8%),Oligo-teratozoospermia (6.0%), Asthenozo-teratozoospermia (5.2%), oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia (11.6%).
The study showed that abnormal semen parameters are a major contributor of male factor infertility in our environment. Efforts geared towards preventing the contributory factors will go a long way in alleviating the
agony of infertile couples due to male factors.
Copyright (c) 2011 Ibrahim SA, Muhammad Z

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