Caesarean section for placenta praevia: A retrospective study of anaesthetic technique and foeto-maternal
Placenta praevia, anaesthetic technique, maternal, neonatal outcomeAbstract
Introduction: Placenta praevia complicates approximately 0.3-0.8% of pregnancies in multiparous parturient and there is an increased risk in those with previous Caesarean section. The choice of anaesthetic technique usually poses dilemma to the attending anaesthetist. The aim of this study was to review the choice of anaesthetic technique for caesarean section complicated by placenta praevia and determine foeto-maternal outcome.
Patients and Methods: This was a retrospective survey covering a period of four years (January 2013 - December 2016). After Ethics Committee approval, information was obtained from the anaesthetic and theatre records and the patients’ case notes. The information obtained were: patients’ characteristics, obstetric history, grade of placenta praevia, indications for surgery, choice of anaesthetic technique, PCV/haemoglobin level, haemodynamic changes, blood transfusion, maternal and foetal outcome. The data were analysed using IBM SPSS version 20.
Results: A total of 4,388 Caesarean sections were carried out during the 4- year period of review. One hundred and forty-five cases (3.3%) with different degrees of placenta praevia progressing to Caesarean section were identified. The mean age (years) was 32.6+5.3 with a mean gestational age(weeks) of 36.7±1.11. Thirty-nine (26.9%) patients were offered general anaesthesia while 106 (73.1%) were done under spinal anaesthesia. The mean blood loss in the GA and spinal group was 1,080 + 970.53 and 753.77 + 568.19 ml respectively (P = 0.0135). 87.6% neonates were delivered alive. Seventy-nine (54.5%) were elective procedure with adequate preparation. There were two (1.4%) cases of maternal mortality and perinatal mortality of 12.4%.
Conclusion: The anaesthetic technique for patients with placenta praevia should be determined by the patient’s haemodynamic status and the grade of the placenta praevia.
Copyright (c) 2019 Imarengiaye CA, Nosakhare EP, Johnson OE, Ceejay OO

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