Dental fluorosis, unguided flouride dosing and oral health advocacy practitioners perception of the emerging paradigm
dental, fluorosis, fluoride,oral health advocacyAbstract
Oral health day is an international day to highlight the benefits of a healthy mouth and to promote worldwide awareness of issues around oral health. In Nigeria oral health policy was developed by the Federal Ministry of Health, approved by the National Council on Health and launched in November 2012.
Fluoride is a topical issue world over. Knowledge of sources of fluoride is a pre-condition to adjusting of the existing natural occurring fluoride level in drinking water.
Materials and methods
259 questionnaires were administered to oral health practitioners in University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Consultants through Senior Registrars to Dental students. 182 (70.27%) were returned. Aggregate percentage response was 42.88%.
We therefore conclude that a deliberate policy on fluoride dosing through regulation of quality of fluoride sources from Dental products to sea food is very necessary and timely.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Madukwe IU

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