Successful voluntary blood donor recruitment among previously skeptical (naïve) donor population
Voluntary blood donation and Blood donor RecruitmentAbstract
AIM: To assess the responses of previously unexposed communities in Akwa Ibom State (AKS) to direct appeals for voluntary non-remunerated blood donations
METHODS: A transfusion Medicine training workshop which drew participants from different parts of the country was organised in UUTH, Uyo from July 4th to 15th, 2011. The academic programme with unique but relevant local features designed by Professors Watson-Williams, Christopher Gresens, Etim Essien and Mr Tom Schallet was arranged and executed simultaneously in three parallel components- Clinical, Laboratory and Blood Donor Recruitment Tracts.
The Blood Donor Recruitment component conducted blood drives to different communities. The records of blood donors obtained after the training workshop were compared to those obtained prior to the training workshop.
RESULTS: Within the year after the exercise, the contribution of Voluntary Non-remunerated Donors to UUTH blood supply increased substantially from 1.2% to 20.9%.
CONCLUSIONS: These results show that when communities are properly sensitized and enlightened on the health benefits and safety of blood donations, they are willing to become voluntary non-remunerated blood donors.
Copyright (c) 2014 Ino-Ekanem M, Ekwere TA

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