Sociodemographic factors associated with depression in people living with epilepsy in Kano, Nigeria
Sociodemographic factors, depression, epilepsyAbstract
Background: A high level of co-morbidity exist between epilepsy and depressive disorder, and in fact it has been found to be the commonest psychiatric disorder in people with epilepsy, with consequence of huge psychosocial burden and poor quality of life. Sociodemographic factors that have been implicated in the association between depression and epilepsy include age, female gender, unemployment, low level of education amongst others.
Objective: To determine the sociodemographic factors associated with depression in people living with epilepsy (PWE) in Kano, Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: In this cross- sectional study, two hundred and fifty- five consecutive patients with epilepsy attending the outpatient epilepsy clinics of Kumbotso Health Centre and Neurology/Psychiatry clinics of Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano were recruited.
Inclusion criteria were age above 18years and being seizure free for two weeks. Patients with severe neurological and cognitive deficits were excluded. Sociodemographic characteristics were obtained using a structured proforma. Diagnosis of depression was made using the M.I.N.I. International Neuropsychiatric Interview.
Results: The age range of participants was 18-76 years with a mean of 32 years (SD=1.31). Majority of participants (57.6%) were males. Prevalence of depression was 20.4%. There was no difference in the mean age of depressed and non-depressed participants. Females had a higher frequency of depression (32%) and association between gender and depression was statistically significant (p ˂ 0.001). Being divorced/widowed and having tertiary level of education were more associated with depression.
Conclusion: Depression is common in PWE with being female a significantly associated factor.
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